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Writer: Jean PetersenJean Petersen

I couldn't put one more thing into fruition, obviously not even the dinner leftovers. I had had enough. I couldn't do one more thing except put the meal in the fridge so I didn't give my family salmonella poisoning from the chicken alfredo. The day had been a constant motion. I felt like an electric train set when a two year old gets a hold of the controls, back and forth, on and off, clockwise around the track, counterclockwise around the track, stop, erch...back again. I definitely felt I was going counterclockwise this evening. But as I sighed in relief as I closed my refrigerator door with the peace of my leftover decision, I also felt the peace of sufficiency surrounding me. The good Lord say's, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9. When I had felt like I had my fill and more than enough, He let me know He was there. He surrounded my little kitchen space with His peace in the moment, reminding me He's got it. He's enough and fills us with the sufficiency we need during our weak moments.



© 2018 by Jean Petersen

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